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Returned credit card
Thank you for retrieving the credit card that I left in the parking garage machine. You took it home and your wife immediately"googled"...
You sat quietly for 30 minutes a few tables away, while I cried my heart out, and I knew that I was seen and cared for. You didn't say...
Dinner with a friend
“The guy who was sitting next to you took care of it already.” We were two friends from middle school who had found each other together...
Shopping cart
I was unloading my twins and groceries out of a shopping cart in the parking lot of the grocery store. You asked kindly if you could...
Moped accident
Thank you for taking care of my husband after an accident, which possibly saved his life. You witnessed a driver run a stop sign, hit my...
Garden magic
Thank you to a neighbor that I hardly knew for secretly planting my garden (exactly as I would have) when I was unable. You must have...
State Fair
You were waiting in the Sky Ride cable car line with your family, a few feet from entering the ride. The line snaked back and around;...
Stoplight dance party
Our cars pulled up to the stoplight simultaneously. We must have been listening to the same radio station because I saw you lip-syncing...
Snowy afternoon
During peak winter, I was working full time and six months pregnant. We had an open parking lot at my work place, and when it snowed the...
Boat tour of a new city
You were blowing bubbles from the bridge above the river, smiling at the passengers on the boats below. We saw the bubbles before we saw...
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